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Selasa, 05 Mei 2020

Portfolio 3 - Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 | Biography of my neighbour.

Fransiskus Eko Utomo | 12116916 | 4KA07

Below is my neighbour's biography. The biography is explained as clearly as possible so it is easy to understand how one of my neighbour lives.

Ramdani's Biography

Ramdani is a neighbour, whose house is just in front of my house, right next to the integrated services post (in Indonesian, as known as posyandu). Ramdani, or commonly called Dani, is an assistant operator of heavy weighing equipment from large and small trucks that transport raw materials for making snacks.

The man who was born on 20 August, 1974 has two sisters, each male, and female. Dani only took the highest level of elementary school education, which made it difficult to get a job. Around November 1995, as the first child, Dani wanted to migrate to look for work outside his home village, heading to the city. Dani finally anchored in a village in the Sentul region. He finally got a job. In 1997, Dani got a house from the results of his hard work, in the same year, he married his idol, a woman named Yati, who in 1999 gave birth to her first son, who would become his successor later. Until now, Dani has three sons.

Dani is a very generous person. He is always happy to help others, as well as his clean habits, for example, sweeping the scattered garbages and then burning it in front of his house, which has the possibility of smoke entering someone else's house. Sharing is good, of course. Dani is a religious person. When it's time to pray, Dani will call his wife and children who are gathering with other mothers to stop for a moment to worship.

Dani's style of speech is not like ordinary people. He is famous for speaking frankly, using everyday language, Sundanese, which seems funny to hear if you do not understand what he means, but it is different if you understand what he says. Dani also managed to educate his three sons well. His first child succeeded with his mechanical hobby, his second child entered the boarding school, while his third child followed his father, diligently worshiped and recited, even though it was still very small.

Dani likes to attend events organized by the village. For example, associations of family heads that discuss general household problems, or become directors during activities at village integrated service posts, which are located close to their homes. He also likes to guide the young people in the organization (Karang Taruna) when they are going to hold events, such as the commemoration of Independence Day which is held every 17 August, or other holidays that need to be met first with the village officials.

Discussing personal achievements, many people are proud of their achievements because they succeed in high school, successfully buying a house or car of choice. However, Dani is different. He told me "It's useless from school to college, managed to buy a luxury house or a nice car if it ends up not being useful to society." Although Dani is often underestimated, I think Dani is quite wise.

Dani rarely quarreled with other neighbours or at work. He said "I personally, why should the problem be extended? Just laugh, and let him win. The one who sane just conceded. Am I right?" He said while laughing.

My neighbour has many differences and certainly many similarities. But in my opinion, Dani is what I think is unique. He solely devoted himself only to God, the environment, and his family.

People like Dani are people who should be emulated by the people. He is a person who likes to work hard and is not unyielding, putting the interests of others above his interests and above all is diligent in worship. Although sometimes people often look down on Dani because of low education and short mindedness, Dani does not care. He continued to act, as usual, barely paying attention to the people who insulted him. But when given advice politely, surely he will accept it with an open heart.

Here's a brief biography of my neighbour. I hope what is written can be easily understood. Thanks in advance.

Kamis, 09 April 2020

Portfolio 2 | Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 - Why do students need laptops?

Fransiskus Eko Utomo | 12116916 | 4KA07

Below, I will explain the main problem "why do students need laptops?" along with other issues, "how to determine a good laptop for students?" Accompanied by my opinion and some facts that I got from various sources.

Why do students need laptops?

In an age where technology has advanced and developed rapidly, every student, both at school and the university is required to always be connected to the internet for all purposes. For example, looking for answers from the homework they are doing, or even conducting virtual classes with teachers and classmates. One device that students commonly use is a mobile phone. Even though mobile phones are now very advanced, they still cannot replace the function of personal computers capable of carrying out multiple tasks simultaneously.

According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), a laptop is a rather small personal computer, which can be carried and can be placed on the user's lap, consisting of one device that includes a keypad, display screen, microprocessor, usually equipped with a rechargeable battery.

Also, the fact that students also begin to be trained to make presentations in class is true. For this reason, laptops come with all its advantages. What can a laptop do? Easy to carry, and can do multitasking better than a mobile phone. Even though students have very sophisticated cellphones, they also need a laptop for, at least doing school or campus work and maybe for long-term investment. For example, when buying laptops at school or college, if treated properly, it can be used for several years to come.

However, in my opinion, it is not true if every student is required to have a laptop. The price of laptops is still quite high. If a student has a computer in his home, that is enough. At least the data they worked at home they could bring to school using a flash drive and then borrow a friend's laptop. I'm sure his classmates would want to lend it, it's just obliged to treat his laptop well.

Likewise when students want to have a personal laptop, it's good to consider in terms of specifications, screen size and overall performance. But, for students, in my opinion there is no need to have a laptop with sophisticated specifications. The important thing is that the specifications are enough for the needs of doing presentations and multitasking at the middle level.

Rabu, 25 Maret 2020

Portfolio 1 | Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Fransiskus Eko Utomo | 12116916

Avoiding Shifts in Person
Try to avoid unnecessary shifts from one person to another. These can confuse the reader. When writing about a person, choose one pronoun and stay with that pronoun.

Exercise 1.12
Some of the following sentences contain shifts in person. Identify each error by drawing a line under the pronoun; then write the correct form above the word. You may have to change the form of the verb.


1. I enjoy eating out instead of cooking at home. Living in Seattle, you have a choice of many different kinds of restaurants. My favourite restaurant is a Japanese one near my home. It is small and very popular, so you usually have to wait for a table.

2. If a person wants to learn to play a musical instrument well, you will have to develop self-discipline. The serious music student, for example, must be willing to give up watching two or three hours of television a day, and, instead, spend your time practicing.
3. During the past year or two, the price of food has risen sharply. Every time I go to the market, you can see increases in several items. Not so long ago, your twenty dollars bought quite a few bags of groceries, but now I can carry twenty dollars’ worth of food home in one bag.

4. I received a camera for a graduation present last year. It worked fine at first, but after a few months, you could tell that something was wrong with it. The pictures were so blurry that you couldn’t recognize the people in them. The repair person at the camera shop wanted too much money to repair it, so I stopped using it. You would be wasting your money to buy film for that lemon.

5. My brother likes his job as a lifeguard at the beach. You don’t have to wear a coat and tie to work, and you are out in the fresh air all day. A lifeguard has an important job. You don’t just watch pretty girls; you are responsible for the lives of all those people who come to enjoy the ocean.

Answer 1:

Answer 2:

1. I enjoy eating out instead of cooking at home. Living in Seattle, I have a choice of many different kinds of restaurants. My favourite restaurant is a Japanese one near my home. It is small and very popular, so I usually have to wait for a table.

2. If a person wants to learn to play a musical instrument well, (he or she) will have to develop self-discipline. The serious music student, for example, must be willing to give up watching two or three hours of television a day, and, instead, spend (her or his) time practicing.

3. During the past year or two, the price of food has risen sharply. Every time I go to the market, I can see increases in several items. Not so long ago, my twenty dollars bought quite a few bags of groceries, but now I can carry twenty dollars’ worth of food home in one bag.

4. I received a camera for a graduation present last year. It worked fine at first, but after a few months, I could tell that something was wrong with it. The pictures were so blurry that you couldn’t recognize the people in them. The repair person at the camera shop wanted too much money to repair it, so I stopped using it. I would be wasting my money to buy film for that lemon.

5. My brother likes his job as a lifeguard at the beach. He doesn’t have to wear a coat and tie to work, and he out in the fresh air all day. A lifeguard has an important job. He doesn’t just watch pretty girls; He is responsible for the lives of all those people who come to enjoy the ocean.

Tense Shift Problem

Do not shift tenses in the middle of a sentence, a paragraph, or an essay unless you have a reason to do so. If you begin writing in the present tense, don’t shift to the past. If you begin in the past, don’t shift to the present.

Exercise 2.16

Some of the following sentences contain shifts in tense. Identify each error by drawing a line under the incorrect verb. Write the correct form above the word.


1. Last Tuesday night I went to the library because I had a test in history on Wednesday morning. It is too noisy at home to study. My brother is playing the stereo, my mother was vacuuming, and my little sister and her friend are chasing each other around the house. How am I supposed to concentrate with all that commotion?

2. My friend Greg loves peanut butter. Every morning he spread peanut butter on his toast or waffles. He snacked on peanut butter cups at school, and, of course, he ate peanut butter sandwiches for lunch every day. Nowadays he bakes his own peanut butter cookies because his mother had refused to make them anymore. Greg was a hopeless case; he even covers a slice of chocolate cake with peanut butter.

3. My wife and I bought a golden retriever puppy last year. We made the mistake on the first few nights of allowing the puppy to sleep on a rug by our bed because he misses his brothers and sisters. Later when we made a bed for him in the laundry room, he howls and scratches on the door for several hours every night. After a while the neighbours call on the telephone to complain about the noise. We thought that he will never give up. The puppy finally learned to sleep by himself, and the neighbours start speaking to us again.

Answer 1:

Answer 2:

1. Last Tuesday night I went to the library because I had a test in history on Wednesday morning. It is too noisy at home to study. My brother was playing the stereo, my mother was vacuuming, and my little sister and her friend were chased each other around the house. How am I supposed to concentrate with all that commotion?

2. My friend Greg loves peanut butter. Every morning he spread peanut butter on his toast or waffles. He snacking on peanut butter cups at school, and, of course, he eats peanut butter sandwiches for lunch every day. Nowadays he bakes his own peanut butter cookies because his mother was refusing to make them anymore. Greg is a hopeless case; he even covers a slice of chocolate cake with peanut butter.

3. My wife and I bought a golden retriever puppy last year. We made the mistake on the first few nights of allowing the puppy to sleep on a rug by our bed because he misses his brothers and sisters. Later when we made a bed for him in the laundry room, he howled and scratched on the door for several hours every night. After a while the neighbours call on the telephone to complain about the noise. We thought that he would never give up. The puppy finally learned to sleep by himself, and the neighbours start speaking to us again.

Kamis, 16 Januari 2020

Audit Teknologi Sistem Informasi


Nama: Fransiskus Eko Utomo
Kelas: 4KA07
NPM: 12116916


Audit adalah sebuah pemeriksaan yang sistematis dan objektif terhadap satu atau lebih aspek dari suatu organisasi yang membandingkan apa yang dilakukan organisasi dengan serangkaian kriteria atau persyaratan yang ditetapkan. Audit teknologi informasi memeriksa proses, aset TI, dan kontrol pada berbagai tingkatan dalam suatu organisasi untuk menentukan sejauh mana organisasi mematuhi standar atau persyaratan yang berlaku. Secara virtual, semua organisasi menggunakan TI untuk mendukung operasi mereka dan pencapaian misi dan tujuan bisnis mereka. Ini memberi organisasi kepentingan pribadi untuk memastikan bahwa penggunaan TI mereka efektif, bahwa sistem dan proses TI beroperasi sebagaimana dimaksud, dan bahwa aset TI dan sumber daya lainnya dialokasikan secara efisien dan dilindungi secara tepat. Audit TI membantu organisasi memahami, menilai, dan meningkatkan penggunaan kontrol mereka untuk melindungi TI, mengukur dan memperbaiki kinerja, serta mencapai tujuan dan hasil yang diharapkan. Audit TI terdiri dari penggunaan metodologi audit formal untuk memeriksa proses, kemampuan, dan aset yang ditentukan TI dan perannya dalam memungkinkan proses bisnis organisasi. Audit TI juga membahas komponen atau kemampuan TI yang mendukung domain lain yang dapat diaudit, seperti manajemen keuangan dan akuntansi, kinerja operasional, jaminan kualitas, dan tata kelola, manajemen risiko, dan kepatuhan (GRC).
          Penggunaan audit TI semakin umum di banyak organisasi, untuk memvalidasi penggunaan kontrol yang efektif untuk melindungi aset dan informasi TI atau sebagai elemen dari program GRC. Audit TI adalah disiplin khusus tidak hanya dalam dirinya sendiri, dengan standar yang sesuai, metodologi, dan sertifikasi profesional dan persyaratan pengalaman, tetapi juga bersinggungan secara signifikan dengan praktik manajemen dan operasional TI lainnya. Subjek tumpang tindih antara audit TI dan jaringan pemantauan, administrasi sistem, manajemen layanan, dukungan teknis, dan keamanan informasi menjadikan pengetahuan tentang kebijakan, praktik, dan standar audit TI penting untuk personel TI dan manajer operasi TI dan area bisnis yang didukung TI. Banyak organisasi menjalani berbagai audit TI, dilakukan oleh auditor internal dan eksternal, dan masing-masing sering disertai dengan prosedur, metode, dan kriteria yang berbeda.

Apa itu Audit TI?

Audit sering dianggap sebagai pemeriksaan, inspeksi, atau peninjauan independen. Sementara istilah ini berlaku untuk evaluasi banyak mata pelajaran yang berbeda, penggunaan yang paling sering adalah sehubungan dengan memeriksa laporan atau akun keuangan organisasi. Berbeda dengan definisi kamus konvensional dan sumber yang berfokus pada konotasi akuntansi audit, definisi yang digunakan oleh badan standar audit lingkup luas dan dalam konteks audit TI tidak membatasi atau menganggap subjek yang menjadi dasar audit. Misalnya, pedoman Organisasi Internasional untuk Standarisasi (ISO) tentang audit menggunakan istilah audit yang berarti "proses yang sistematis, independen dan terdokumentasi untuk memperoleh bukti audit dan mengevaluasinya secara objektif untuk menentukan sejauh mana kriteria audit dipenuhi" dan Glosarium Perpustakaan Teknologi Informasi (ITIL) mendefinisikan audit sebagai “inspeksi dan verifikasi formal untuk memeriksa apakah suatu standar atau serangkaian pedoman diikuti atau tidak, apakah catatan itu akurat, atau bahwa target efisiensi dan efektifitas terpenuhi.” Interpretasi umum seperti itu cocok untuk audit TI, yang terdiri dari berbagai standar, persyaratan, dan kriteria audit lainnya yang sesuai dengan proses, sistem, teknologi, atau seluruh organisasi yang menjadi subjek audit TI.
Definisi yang dikutip di atas juga menekankan karakteristik yang membedakan audit dari jenis evaluasi atau penilaian lain dengan mengacu pada kriteria eksplisit yang memberikan dasar untuk perbandingan antara apa yang diharapkan atau dibutuhkan dalam suatu organisasi dan apa yang sebenarnya diamati atau ditunjukkan melalui bukti. Kata-kata seperti penilaian, evaluasi, dan tinjauan sering digunakan secara sinonim dengan istilah audit dan meskipun memang benar bahwa audit adalah jenis evaluasi, beberapa karakteristik audit yang membedakannya dari konsep yang tersirat oleh penggunaan istilah yang lebih umum. Audit selalu memiliki dasar atau standar referensi yang dapat dibandingkan dengan subjek audit. Audit tidak dimaksudkan untuk memeriksa penggunaan praktik terbaik atau (dengan kemungkinan pengecualian audit operasional) untuk melihat apakah ada peluang untuk meningkatkan atau mengoptimalkan proses atau karakteristik operasional.
Sebagai gantinya, ada standar yang ditetapkan yang memberikan dasar untuk perbandingan yang ditetapkan sebelum memulai audit. Auditor membandingkan subjek audit — proses, sistem, komponen, perangkat lunak, atau organisasi secara keseluruhan — secara eksplisit dengan standar yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya untuk menentukan apakah subjek memenuhi kriteria. Penentuan audit cenderung lebih biner daripada hasil jenis penilaian atau evaluasi lainnya, dalam arti bahwa item yang diberikan memenuhi atau gagal memenuhi persyaratan yang berlaku - auditor sering mengartikulasikan temuan audit dalam hal kesesuaian kontrol atau ketidaksesuaian dengan kriteria.

Audit internal dan eksternal

Kontrol internal audit adalah disiplin dalam dirinya sendiri, memiliki banyak kesamaan dengan audit TI eksternal tetapi dalam banyak hal memperluas lebih lanjut dalam hal keahlian teknis, pengetahuan operasional, dan tingkat detail yang diperlukan untuk secara efektif melakukan audit TI internal. Auditor internal sering bekerja sebagai karyawan dari organisasi yang diaudit, yang dari waktu ke waktu menghasilkan pemahaman tentang organisasi yang menentukan lingkungan TI, kontrol, sistem informasi, dan karakteristik operasional yang sulit jika tidak mungkin untuk ditiru oleh auditor eksternal. Meskipun keterampilan mereka sering tumpang tindih dengan operasi TI dan personil keamanan informasi, manajer proyek teknis, dan petugas kepatuhan, kebutuhan akan independensi berarti bahwa auditor TI internal di sebagian besar organisasi tidak memiliki tugas pekerjaan operasional selain tanggung jawab audit mereka.
            Audit TI eksternal, berdasarkan definisi, dilakukan oleh auditor dan entitas di luar organisasi yang akan diaudit. Bergantung pada ukuran organisasi dan ruang lingkup dan kompleksitas audit TI, audit eksternal dapat dilakukan oleh auditor tunggal atau tim. Secara umum, hubungan antara organisasi dan auditor eksternal biasanya dibentuk dan dikelola pada tingkat entitas — yaitu, organisasi menggunakan layanan firma luar atau organisasi profesional yang melakukan jenis audit TI yang diperlukan.

Kontrol internal

            Audit TI eksternal dan internal memiliki fokus yang sama: kontrol internal dilaksanakan dan dipelihara oleh organisasi yang diaudit. Kontrol adalah elemen sentral dari manajemen TI, didefinisikan dan dirujuk melalui standar, pedoman, metodologi, dan kerangka kerja yang menangani proses bisnis; pengiriman layanan dan pengelolaan; desain, implementasi, dan operasi sistem informasi; informasi keamanan; dan tata kelola TI. Sumber utama tata kelola TI dan pedoman audit TI membedakan antara kontrol internal dan kontrol internal. COSO menentang kontrol internal sebagai proses “yang dirancang untuk memberikan jaminan yang wajar mengenai pencapaian tujuan” termasuk efektivitas dan efisiensi operasional, pelaporan yang dapat diandalkan, dan kepatuhan hukum dan peraturan. Dalam konteks ini, kontrol adalah “kebijakan atau prosedur yang merupakan bagian dari kontrol internal”, hasil dari kebijakan dan prosedur yang dirancang untuk melakukan kontrol.
Kontrol organisasi dipilih dan diterapkan sekali dengan penerapan di seluruh perusahaan. Kontrol tingkat entitas penting sebagai area fokus untuk audit internal dan eksternal karena mereka memberikan dasar untuk bagaimana organisasi mengelola fungsi yang didukung kontrol. Kontrol tingkat entitas juga dimasukkan dengan merujuk ke banyak jenis audit yang dilakukan pada tingkat organisasi lainnya, seperti unit bisnis, program dan proyek, dan aset teknologi semuanya memanfaatkan berbagai jenis kontrol tingkat entitas.

Jenis-jenis audit TSI

a.  Audit Laporan Keuangan (Financial Statement Audit)
Adalah audit yang dilakukan untuk mengetahui tingkat kewajaran laporan keuangan yang disajikan oleh perusahaan (apakah sesuai dengan standar akuntansi keuangan serta tidak menyalahi uji materialitas). Apabila sistem akuntansi organisasi yang diaudit merupakan sistem akuntansi berbasis komputer, maka dilakukan audit terhadap sistem informasi akuntansi apakah proses/mekanisme sistem dan program komputer telah sesuai, pengendalian umum sistem memadai dan data telah substantif.

b. Audit Operasional (Operational Audit)

     1.  Post implementation Audit (Audit setelah implementasi)
          Auditor memeriksa apakah sistem-sistem aplikasi komputer yang telah diimplementasikan pada suatu organisasi/perusahaan telah sesuai dengan kebutuhan penggunanya (efektif) dan telah dijalankan dengan sumber daya optimal (efisien). Auditor mengevaluasi apakah sistem aplikasi tertentu dapat terus dilanjutkan karena sudah berjalan baik dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan usernya atau perlu dimodifikasi dan bahkan perlu dihentikan.
Pelaksanaan audit ini dilakukan oleh auditor dengan menerapkan pengalamannya dalam pengembangan sistem aplikasi, sehingga auditor dapat mengevaluasi apakah sistem yang sudah diimplementasikan perlu dimutakhirkan atau diperbaiki atau bahkan dihentikan apabila sudah tidak sesuai kebutuhan atau mengandung kesalahan.

     2. Concurrent audit (audit secara bersama)
         Auditor menjadi anggota dalam tim pengembangan sistem (system development team). Mereka membantu tim untuk meningkatkan kualitas pengembangan sistem yang dibangun oleh para sistem analis, designer dan programmer dan akan diimplementasikan. Dalam hal ini auditor mewakili pimpinan proyek dan manajemen sebagai quality assurance.

     3. Concurrent Audits (audit secara bersama-sama)
         Auditor mengevaluasi kinerja unit fngsional atau fungsi sistem informasi (pusat/instalasi komputer) apakah telah dikelola dengan baik, apakah kontrol dalam pengembangan sistem secara keseluruhan sudah dilakukan dengan baik, apakah sistem komputer telah dikelola dan dioperasikan dengan baik.
Dalam mengaudit sistem komputerisasi yang ada, audit ini dilakukan dengan mengevaluasi pengendalian umum dari sistem-sistem komputerisasi yang sudah diimplementasikan pada perusahaan tersebut secara keseluruhan.
Saat melakuan pengujian-pengujian digunakan bukti untuk menarik kesimpulan dan memberikan rekomendasi kepada manajemen tentang hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan efektifitas, efisiensi, dan ekonomisnya sistem.


1. Gantz, Stephen. 2013. The Basics of IT Audit Purposes, Processes and Practical Information, 1st Edition, Syngress, Elsevier.
2.  Sumber 2